Feelgood Factor

At this time of year we are all thinking of what we want, and what we want to give. We are dealing with the good vibrations of the season to be ‘jolly’. We are totally focused on the holiday, whether we celebrate it or not, we have to focus upon it because there really is nothing else getting through the subliminal white noise that is the machinery of Christmas.

This focus, this mindset is quite a substantial animal, it feeds on dreams and nostalgia, which in turn is cranked up by the tastes and smells and overheard conversations, not to mention the TV cookery shows that are more than abundant. One cannot flick a channel without hitting a programme telling you how it should be done, this gluttony and suspense of disbelief.

It is not just food gluttony I speak of, it is the glut of smaltz, of guilt ridden ads supposed to tug at your heartstrings, everything is timed and targeted to the exact nano second. The gluttony of the dream sell.

There is no shame and nothing is spared the frosted icing of advertisers selling their wares.

What does this mean though? What does it do for us if anything?

Well of course there is the feelgood factor, that little glow of loveliness and joyful almost childlike imagining that the whole thing is going to be the most wonderful and magical experience.

For some it will be….

For others it will not and whether it is one or the other…it has to come to an end and then – then we all come crashing down with a big credit card bill and payday a long and distant future maybe.

When we have the opportunity to wallow in the feelgood factor of this particular holiday and all it portends, why is it that we do not embrace it, yes, but then also take the feeling we wish to have and bring it to what we do throughout the year?

In the spirit of good business practice, how would it be if we focussed half so much on making not just our dreams come true but those of others around us?

I wonder what kind of productivity there would be if we all gave as much attention to the details and enjoyed the time spent in anticipation of good things.

Is it not possible to imagine this?

It is very possible, but also we must want to make it so.

Would it not be wonderful to work in a focussed, fun and magical environment, even Santa has a workshop and the elves seem to be very happy in their chosen fields.

I wonder what the mission statement there is…?


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