Well did you ever…?


The other day I took the opportunity to explore something that I thought I already knew and wonder of wonders found out I knew nought
about it at all!

A very good and wise friend of mine had been on at me for a while now to try journaling.

What is that other than another name for a diary?

That was my thought and it stayed just that, a thought for quite some considerable time.

As it turns out I am now in possession of the facts and I can tell you that a diary is a recording of events –a list of facts that may or may
not include some feelings or indeed ponderings but not to any great extent.

A journal on the other hand, now that is a stream of consciousness that is a dream weaving, problem solving, chaos coalescing little miracle!

Who would have thought that just by taking one thing, that’s right just one thing, like a word or a phrase that someone said in passing that
struck you just right on your curiosity bone. That little bone that sings out and if we listen to it oh my, what wonders we can learn about all manner of things most importantly about how those things affect us and we don’t even realise it.

It doesn’t even have to be a word it can be a picture or a sound or a feeling that we have – an emotional response that we recognise as
not congruent with the situation it came up within.

It happens every day, all day, and we choose to ignore it.

At our peril!

This is something I discovered in a small room of 9 strangers, all there because they were curious and all of us had a pleasant

Diaries at one point may be read by others, a journal on the other hand most likely will never be seen by another person and if they did it
would make very little sense without context.

It is a most cathartic and stress relieving occupation. It can be done anywhere and at any time, by anyone.

Do try it, look it up, read a little about it then start one just for fun see how you go along with it.

Once you get the hang of it you may well be amazed at how useful it can be in getting your work life balance to actually be balanced.
Finding out that you can see patterns arising and deal with them before they become erratic outbursts of distress in certain situations.

All in private, all in a very little time, and in any way you choose…be it in pen or pencil or on a computer screen (with a password) in
colour or black and white in picture form or abstract.

Amaze yourself for next to nothing, just your time and a little effort.

Let me know how you get on.




One response to “Well did you ever…?”

  1. Intrepid Jane Avatar

    Sounds like you had fun 😉 I can hear your voice when I read your posts!

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